Friday, 28 April 2017

It Felt like...

It felt like a piece of missing jigsaw,
When you first held my hand.
I love those gaps in my fingers now.
Because it was you, who filled mine.

It felt like a feather,
When your soft cheeks rasped mine.
The smell of you and that closeness,
Ohh God! Just be mine.

It felt like a breeze,
When your hairs got tangled up in my shirt.
I want to relieve that cuteness who have,
When you stared at the ground and shy-ed.

It felt like a drop of exilir,
When those wet lips teased me.
If my tongue could just play with them
Oh What a kiss would it be.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Guide to a Good Group Discussion

Here is something which you don't find very often on regular blogs. Here is my guide to a good group discussion.

This is just going to be a brief article. You can find the detailed one pretty soon on my blog. Keep reading. So, here we go.

 1. Understanding the Topic and writing down points:- 

It is important that you understand what the topic is. Try to make points that are "directly" related to the topic of discussion.Using indirect points might let others think that you are just beating around the bush. If the topic of discussion is a "CASE STUDY" try to make note of every single word in the case. It will help you come up with some great points for the discussion. In one of my group discussion, I went completely helpless because I had no idea about the topic. The topic was " A new hydraulic pump has been damaged. What could be the possible reasons etc etc.."I didn't know anything about pumps. I was sitting there helpless during the discussion when suddenly someone said "Rusting." The topic clearly stated that the pump was "new". That's when I grabbed the upper hand and started making out my points.

2. Initiation

Yes, there is extra point for initiating the topic. But make sure that you don't take long. Introduce the topic, make a few points and then leave it to the group to discuss. This way judges will know that you are a team man and you look for everyone's opinion in any circumstances.

3. Supporting other's opinions.

It would be of tremendous advantage if you support what others say during the discussion. If the topic is debatable, support only those who are in your favor. Also support means being a sidekick, not dominating the debate with the point of others. If someone is not able to lay out his/her point clearly, help him/her by saying, "I guess what my friend is trying to say is .................." The most formal way to support someone is by, "Yes, definitely my friend and also............ (you could mention your own point)"

4. Contradicting others 

This is the toughest part of any job interview. Because even a slight mistake would get you a ticket back home. See, never contradict someone. Instead make others agree with you. Don't question others argument or points, but try to make them understand what is wrong with their friend. You could do it by saying, "Ok friend, but don't you think what you are saying might lead to..............." If the other comes up with a good point, present your opinion again. If he still remains stubborn, then you can just smile and let the discussion move on.

5. Asking Questions

Asking question is good in a discussion, only if the answer helps the topic move forward. If you are asking just to over power the other, it would backfire on you. For example, if someone is making some vague argument, you can say, "Ok but what would happen if .......... ?" But if he/she is making a perfect point, then its better to keep mum.

6. Body Language

Well, I am not an expert of GDs, but I would say that a little casual body language will help you more. Being formal might send a message that you are strict, stubborn and unfriendly person. A smile is a must. You must always try to maintain eye contact with every member of the group. Looking at the judges once in a while will also help. Try to be as dynamic as possible. Never ever look down. Never be aggressive and rude to anyone in the group.

Well, I will conclude here. You can post your queries in the comments below. Thank you keep reading.. :)

Friday, 14 April 2017

Little Did You Know

In a world of pathetic creeps,
She found the man of her dreams.
Little did we know about them
But their love was too deep.

Lets look back at the time,
He was arrogant, she was egoistic.
Both were like two poles of a magnet
She was divine, he was agnostic.

It started nothing like a romantic story,
His arrogance was increasing, she was the victim
Little did they know what fate had in mind.
They boy needed help, pretended to be kind.

"Hello, can I get your English project?" he texted.
I am sorry but I am helpless, she replied.
The girl seems nice, he thought.
This dude talks with girls, she wondered.

Day by day, they talked and talked.
Insults and fun was all they thought.
Little did they know the way they were taking.
One of the sweetest love stories was in the making.

Its been an year of our friendship,
Let's have a small date, they planned.
The friendship day wrote the story to
The next valentine day they had.

Walking side by side,
Their fingers wanted to fill each other gaps.
This would be wrong they thought,
And pretended to be just friends.

Months passed, and the gaps were filled.
We are still just friends, they would think.
They played and teased each other,
Because both of them just wanted to be closer.

The boy made a move,
"I love you," he said.
The girl wanted to express her love.
"You are just insulting me," was all she could said.

Then came that night.
when the boy wanted an answer.
"I love you a lot dammit,"
Give me the reply that you have in mind.

The girl was confused,
God knows why she smiled.
"What do you wanna hear?"
"I love you too you dammit," she replied.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Are You Feeling Low?


Are you feeling low? Well I think so and maybe that's the reason that you clicked the link to my blog. Well, I won't take too long and will just summarize my thoughts in a small poem.

Are you feeling low?
Then you must be regretting something.
You must worry about it,
Because you are the only one who has to fix it.

Are you feeling low?
About the ups and downs happening around.
Rise from the troughs and appreciate the crests.
In the midway, happiness will be found.

Are you feeling low?
Wondering how secure is your future.
Enjoy and live fullest in your present.
So that later, you won't regret your past.

Are you feeling low?
That you are of no use to others.
That's some crappy things people talk about.
If you are spreading happiness, that's all what matters.

I know you are not feeling better.
Because the poem I wrote is shit.
But hope, that I took your mind off from your problems for a little while.
And if i did, please smile a bit. :)


The Do's and Don'ts of a Job Interview

(Body Language)Do's:-
1. Sit straight and sit formally.
2. Try to use hand gesture while explaining things/
3. Always carry a smile.

1. Don't sit too straight that it looks like you are straining yourself.
2. Don't use hand gestures so much that it makes you look casual.
3. Don't smile at serious questions.

(Content) Do's:-
1. Be confident while explaining your content.
2. Be clear with your content.
3. Try to support your content with valid explanation.

1. Don't be over confident with your answer. Try to accept your mistake at a particular time.
2. Never ever beat around the bush. The interviewer gets irritated if you do so.
3. If you are not able to provide a proper explanation, just call it a quit, and say that you know it from somewhere.

(Strengths and Weakness) Do's:-
1. Always prepare this question before walking into an interview.
2. Your strength should be something that would benefit the company.
3. Always mention how are you overcoming your weakness.
4. Also prepare the situations where your strengths/weakness have been of advantage/disadvantage to you.

1. Never make contradictory statement in strengths and weakness.
2. Don't use any positive words in weakness and negatives in strengths.

(Long and Short Term Goals) Do's:-
1. Long term goal is the position you see yourself in next 10 years. Like Vice President, CEO etc.
2. Short term goal is what you are planning to do right after you join the company.
3. Prepare something impressive for the short term goal, like working hard to increase my potential etc etc.

1. Never mention "Living a Happy and Lavish Life" as your long term goal.