Tuesday, 16 January 2018

11 Habits which could bring Happiness and Peace!

1. Morning Routine:-

You are either stuck in a 9-6 job. Or you are in your college or in your school, or just waiting for some opportunity to pop up on your door. No matter whatever is the case, wake up early!
How early? Early enough that you could take a 15-20 minutes walk with your earphones on, have your breakfast and take a good bath.

2. Set only one alarm in the morning.

Many of us are in the habit of setting up multiple alarms in the morning. Just avoid it. If you know that you won't leave your bed in the initial alarms, why to waste your sleep? Set only one alarm at which you will leave your bed.

3. Cleansing your butthole.

It may seems funny but yes washing your butthole in the morning, if possible with warm water is extremely peaceful and relieving.

4. Fruits should be a compulsory breakfast.

If you don't like fruits, you need to rethink your life. Fruits provide proper nutrition and enhance your blood circulation. This increases your metabolism and prevents you from headaches, hypertension etc.

5. Talk more and be work effective.

Being consumed in yourself for the entire day could be really depressing. Speak up to your colleagues, friends or even seniors. Share your thoughts with them. This will help you relieve all your worries and undesirable thoughts, making you more work effective.

6. Utilize your lunch break.

Many of us are so involved in our work that we want to quickly finish our lunch and get back to work. That's so not good. Use your lunch break to the fullest. Enjoy your meals. If time permits, take a walk. It will re engergize you, making you as fresh and energetic as you were in the morning.

7. Talk with parents.

The most peaceful thing is to discuss your day with your parents. Have a good talk and don't try to rush through. This will make your parents happy and seeing them happy, you will find what I call elation.

8. Music is necessary.

Yes it is necessary to listen to music everyday. If you can sing along.. That's just even better.

9. A TED Talk a Day.

Try to watch a TED Talk every day. Even if the topic doesn't concern you at all, have a look. Every TED talk offers a learning.

10. Sleeping Time.

Sleep at a time so that you could get a proper 7-8 hours sleep and wake up the next day to follow point no. 2

11. Social media limitation.

Note down how much time you are wasting on Social Media. And try to reduce it with every following day.


At 24 January 2018 at 02:58 , Blogger Rishabh Jain said...

This is nice :)

At 28 April 2018 at 05:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 28 April 2018 at 05:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Well constructed :) Talk with parents is one of the habits we should never forget.


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