Thursday, 23 February 2017

What Is Sex?

Before I move to make you aware about the real role of sex in love, I want to tell you what is the reality of sex. This chapter contains why sex is important, and how are we habituated to love sex. It has got some FAQs and some facts you knew but never thought about it in the following manner. 

Well here it goes:-

One day I had a conversation with a person I respect a lot. He said,

“Buddy, there is something about sex which I watched somewhere.”

“Before I tell you something, answer me a simple question,

“Whom does human love most in the world?”

 I was stuck there, because a lot of things were coming to my mind. Parents, life partner, friends etc.
Seriously readers what would come to your minds? Answer this, “When I say the word love, what comes up in your mind?” Teenagers who are in a relation will definitely say “MY BELOVED”, “LOVE OF MY LIFE”, “SWEETU”, “SWEETY” and things like that. Teenagers who are addicted to liquors will say Liquors. Some will say parents and all. But when you look over the entire human race, They will come up with a real simple line,

“My child means the world to me.”

And that’s what that someone told me,” You love your child the most.”
And how a child does come into world??

Sex is not an easy thing to understand. It is not just a coin with two faces of the same thing, nor a dice with six faces of the same thing. But it’s a thing which has infinite faces, and every individual looks into different faces of it. Some find it a means to reproduce, some ways to express love, some for relief and for some it’s just an orgasmic climax. But every living person has the desire for it, which develops over a course of time.

Here are some really simple questions that I used to ask myself. And when that someone told me about sex, I got the answers in a very simple manner.:-

Q.1.) Why do everyone has a desire for sex?

Ans:- This world works on the basis of “COME AND GO.” If you are born, you ought to die. But before death you have to reproduce someone who can continue the human race. And that someone can only come through sex. And if you don’t have the desire for sex, then definitely the human race will end someday.

Q.2.) Why do this desire develops only after a course of time?

Ans:- As it is said, there is a time for everything. God has made us that way that we develop this desire only after a period when we are mentally capable enough to handle a child. And a woman starts generating ova, only when she is capable enough to handle a baby in her womb.

Q.3.) Why it’s a race of a million sperms to a single ova?

It is said that that the probability of a male sustaining apocalypse is less than that of female. So if such thing happen, even a single male will be able to regenerate the human population on the earth.

Q.4.) Why male desire for sex is more than that of female?

Ans:- The answer for this question is in the question above. For males, it’s a million sperms in a single shot. But females, its single egg over a month. That is why, the hormones of the guys make them flirty and that of girl make them choosy.



At 26 April 2020 at 23:14 , Blogger Bethany said...

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